Knockout ~~~~~~~~ by Ben Wyatt, This is a crap looking game, that is highly addictive. Go and play it and stop reading this. ;-) If you can't work out how to play it, watch the demo for a while. Still can't work it out? You've got to knock all the other cars off the ever shrinking circle and then drive off the bridge. There is another game which isn't quite as fun, where you have to knock the ball into your own goal. If you get bored of this game, why not control two cars at once, either with two different controls or two cars using the same controls. It's fun. For a while. ;-) _________________________________ / \ > Ben Wyatt - < \_________________________________/ ©1995 Very Interesting Signatures If you're bored, why not get PACAC.lha and (soon) PACAC2.lha in dev/misc!